Office hours
Mo - Fr 7:30 - 19:00
Reception : +420 277 003 100 Office hours: Po - Pá 7:30 - 19:00
Alzheimer's disease - preventive neurological examination
Úvodní obrázek
  • Do you have any doubts as to whether your brain is working properly?
  • Do you forget more than usual? Do you not remember important details?
  • Are you worried that some of your loved ones are suffering from brain disease?

Alzheimer's disease is becoming an epidemic of our time. It is estimated that every fifth person over 60 years, suffers from Alzheimer's. The age for the onset of the disease is constantly decreasing.

Symptoms: loss of memory, speech disorders, problems with smooth expression, forgetfulness, rapid mood changes, change of personality - anxiety, frivolity, indifference, separation - loss of interest in loved ones, hobbies, work, bad judgment and difficult decision making, disorientation in space (even in familiar places) and time, difficult fulfillment of formerly common tasks, loss of imagination

Prevention: a positive attitude toward yourself and life, memory training, maintaining physical fitness, livelihood

First, correct diagnosis is important: it allows professional help to be maximally effective.

Come to a comprehensive neurological examination in time for the first symptoms.

Together we can fight this terrible disease!

Do you have a question? Or do you want to make an appointment? Contact us!
What our patients appreciate the most
Darek Filip

Amazing receptionist, Professional approach, short appointment, no waiting, Dr Beňo - super procedure-super communication...I am absolutely satisfied.

Dada Vcelak

Our children have paid for membership for the second year and we do not regret it, we will definitely continue. We have comparisons with other big competitors in Prague, who offer the same services, but the approach and willingness to meet us and just advise over the phone is not a problem. Comparison like when you have a luxury car and it does not drive well, so you will be satisfied with a less luxurious, but with great driving characteristics...here you get both, no compromises. Beautiful clinic, nice and helpful staff, professional examination, parking right next to the clinic and if you need something from the pharmacy, it is just around the corner. Recommended!

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