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Lactation counselling at ATODA Medical
Klíč: created_date_news neni přeložen: 30. 6. 2023
Úvodní obrázek

When is it appropriate to seek help or advice from our lactation consultant:

  • If you are unsure of the correct breastfeeding technique
  • After premature birth
  • If you are not sure if you have enough milk o if you are worried about whether your milk is of ,,good quality“
  • When the baby is not gaining weight
  • For nipple damage
  • If you are worried about or suspect inflammation of the breast
  • For painful breastfeeding
  • With excess milk production
  • For your diet consultation 
  • If you just want to make sure you are doing everything right

Lactation counselling takes place on an individual basis in the pleasant premises of our offices.

You will be guided by our certified lactation consultant and head nurse of the paediatric department – Lucie Petráňová.
Lucie will make enough time for you, we will book you and your baby for 120 min. It does not matter that the baby might be a little grumpy or want to sleep a little more.

As part of the counselling service, we also offer the loan of a professional baby scale at home at a discounted price.

If you are interested in ordering to our lactation consultant, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by using the contact form.

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What our patients appreciate the most
Jaroslav Rejmont

I am completely satisfied with the clinic. Nice, clean environment, good organization and most importantly, what the previous three doctors could not solve, the doctor solved it on my first visit. I appreciate the professionalism of the doctor--Urology.
Thank you.... a thousand thanks !!!!

Dorota Kremer

Atoda has a very pleasant and professional approach to the client. They always try to find a solution that satisfies the client and the entire staff is extremely friendly, caring and helpful.

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