Premium TEEN program 15–20 years
General Practicioner for children (Unlimited follow-up care)
Physiotherapy: Yearly complex preventive examination
Allergology: Complete care
Medical specializations: First examination
1 000 CZK
Medical specializations: Repeated examination
Counseling – body marks check-up (prevention of skin tumor)
700 CZK
Extended prevention by Gynecology/Urology
700 CZK
Medical procedures (Surgery, Dermatology, Proktology, Urology, etc.)
15% discount
Physiotherapy (follow-up care)
1 000 CZK
Life Balance: Massage, Pilates, Joga
900 CZK
Aesthetic Dermatology
Reception à la cafe with refreshments
Travel vaccination: scheduling, ordering and application of the vaccines
1 500 CZK
Medical documentation shared between the specialists (everyone knows all they need with a few clicks)
Providing external treatment (at another facility)
1 000 CZK
Dedicated doctor for complete care
Consultations, prescriptions over the phone (you don´t have to come to the clinic)
Divided waiting rooms (adults x children, healthy x sick)
Personal care Coordinator (takes care of all your needs)
15 000 CZK
Confirming booked terms via sms/email
Confirmation documents for schools, camps-confirmation of non-infectivity issued immidiately on place or send via email
Great public transport accessibility
Parking in front of the clinic
All medical specializations in one building
Booking emergency examination – first available
Medical consultations after working hours
Opening hours MO–FRI 7:30–19:00
Homevisit by the General Practitioner at your home
4 500 CZK
Communication in English
We call you back (missed calls)
Client zone: Access to your results (examinations, blood samples, etc.)
Membership – price for 1 year
21 000 CZK/ per year
1 750 CZK/ per month