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Is really necessary to remove a Wart? Symptoms and Triggers

Warts are common skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These dangerous viruses spread through touch and can appear anywhere on the body. There are several types of warts, including those on the neck, eyelid, nose, foot, and genital warts.

Warts usually manifest as small, hard formations on the skin, which can be smooth or rough. They can be defined or round and tend to spread to the surrounding area. Some types of warts may be painless, while others are painful, especially if they are located in areas exposed to pressure or friction.

Warts can appear in people with weakened immunity but also in those who have frequent contact with infected persons or surfaces.


Surgical Removal or Nitrogen Freezing of Warts?

The best treatment for warts involves various methods, including medications, freezing warts, laser wart removal, or surgical removal. Medications and procedures can be effective but often require repeated applications or visits to a dermatologist.

At ATODA Medical, we focus on various methods of wart removal. Our specialized medical facility provides comprehensive care for patients with skin diseases, focusing on removing warts in children.

Our team of dermatologists has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating warts, but also in removing birthmarks and freckles. Effective and safe care is guaranteed for:

  • Removal of warts on the leg and foot,
  • Removal of warts on the face (including those on the eyelid, nose),
  • Removal of warts on the neck,
  • Removal of genital warts,
  • Removal of senile warts,
  • And in other areas.

What Does Nitrogen Burning of Warts Entail?

Nitrogen burning of warts, also known as cryotherapy, is a common dermatological procedure to remove unwanted warts and other skin lesions. This process uses the extremely low temperatures of liquid nitrogen to destroy the affected tissue.

The safe and effective several-minute process begins with our doctor carefully cleaning the area around the wart and applying liquid nitrogen to the affected area. Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of around -196 degrees Celsius and immediately freezes the tissue. This extreme cold causes damage to the wart cells and subsequently triggers an immune response in the body that helps remove the wart.

Everything is done on an outpatient basis, which means you don't have to stay in the hospital before or after the procedure. After the procedure, the area may be slightly sensitive or reddened, but these symptoms usually soon subside. Over the course of several weeks, the wart will gradually peel off, eventually disappear, and leave behind smooth and clean skin.

Why is it Important to Visit a Doctor?

Any formations should be consulted with a dermatologist, especially in two cases: if you feel pain or if the warts occur in the genital area. Untreated warts can grow and spread to surrounding areas. They can cause discomfort in everyday activities. In some cases, genital warts may be associated with a higher risk of cancer.

The dermatologist, after determining a professional diagnosis, knows best whether nitrogen burning of warts is appropriate, or whether laser or surgical removal of warts will be more helpful.


Removal of Warts on the Face and Elsewhere

If you suspect that you have warts on any part of your body (including the hands, legs, face, genitals, and even mucous membranes), do not hesitate and book a professional consultation with us at ATODA Medical.

Our medical teams are ready to help you, ensuring fast and effective treatment. Don't delay, call us today and arrange an examination!

Do you have a question? Or do you want to make an appointment? Contact us!
What our patients appreciate the most
Marcela Haltufová

Smiling staff, cosy environment, great communication with the reception, short ordering times and no waiting in a crowded waiting room - that's ATODA Medical. I really appreciate Dr. Podstolska and pediatric nurse Evika for their empathetic, friendly and individual approach to my daughter Sofi. I recommend them to all parents who want the best for their children.

Petr Koubský

After a few months since registration I am completely satisfied. Excellent GP and specialist services, flexible on appointments, friendly reception. Human approach. This is how I imagine medical care to be! Money well spent. By the way, they recognised early on that what I thought was a mole on my face wasn't quite a mole and sent me for vital surgery. Thank you.

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